Visions Sud Est - Supported projectsVisions Sud Est - Supported projects - in production

Balikbayan Box

Ramon “Mes” De Guzman

The Philippines


Ilyong, Jun-jun and Moymoy are three boys living in a rural area surronded by poverty. Their parents wish to give them a better life by earning a living abroad or by working as OFW's (Overseas Filipino Worker). But as they struggle with life, the boys discover that there can never be a substitute to real parents, even if its a parcel (which is the palikbayan box), even if it contains money or goods inside. With no parents to guide them, their means of entertainment includes going to a makeshift movie house by scrounging enough change.


CHF 25'000 for production fiction

Festivals and Awards

Rotterdam Film Festival 2007
Berlin 2008: Forum of New Cinema

World Sales

SampayBakod Production

Distribution Switzerland

available for distribution at visions sud est

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