Visions Sud Est - Supported projectsVisions Sud Est - Supported projects - in production

El árbol olvidado

Luis Enrique Rincón



People call them "The forgotten ones", for the recall that the spanish director Luis Buñuel, left when he filmed in the same place his masterpiece "The Forgotten ones" (Los Olvidados). After 50 years, the inhabitants of the Nonoalco area live on the old Buenavista railway, now used as a street. Juan, Noemi, Yvonne and Gaby, fight every day to blot out this stigma attached of being criminals imposed for their social, psychological fate, however, their desitions lead them to serve their fate that mark them.


CHF 10'000 for postproduction documentary

Festivals and Awards

Mexico City 2009: Award for Best Mexican Film
Nomination Ariel Awards, Mexico
in competition in Uruguay, San Francisco, Sidney 2010
in competition in Rennes 2011

World Sales


Distribution Switzerland

available for distribution at visions sud est

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