«The King of San Gregorio» is a story about a pure and simple love. The film talks about the life of Pedro Vargas – who plays himself – a 30 year-old man living in the slum of San Gregorio and who has a physical handicap and a certain grade of mental disability. Nevertheless, none of these factors will stop him from being the protagonist of this beautiful love story with his “princess” Cati, a girl who has a severe mental disability. As in any other romantic drama, there are antagonists who do not approve of this love. A project of a group of handicapped people who play the main parts in this film.
CHF 20'000 for postproduction fiction
Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián 2006
Fribourg 2006
Filma en Amercia Latina, Geneva 2007
Allegrofilms Limitada