Visions Sud Est - Supported projectsVisions Sud Est - Supported projects - in production


Santiago Fillol



At a film festival, a group of protesters block the entrance to a theater, unfolding a banner that reads: “MATADERO = GENOCIDE”, nobody has seen Matadero, but everyone knows that its protagonists died during filming. Jared, the filmmaker himself looks out at the theatre: “I just hope you can see more than dead people on the screen.” Bs. As. 1975. A group of actors dressed as factory workers. Barbara (30) is completely naked. She talks to Lisandro, acting: “Tell my old man that until he stops exploiting his workers, I’m going to keep sleeping with every single one”. Among them is Jared, who looks at Barbara in awe. At a ranch, Jared chooses the spaces for the shooting. He talks about scenes in which the farm workers rape the female landowners, murders that are bloody and cruel. The actors look worried. Jared and Vicenta –assistant - practice how to hang Barbara from hooks. We’re in the middle of the shooting. The actors don’t want to continue filming and confront Jared, saying they don’t feel comfortable with a movie where the farm workers resemble bloodthirsty zombies. Jared feels trapped. An unknown car pulls up to the ranch. It’s the American embassy to get Jared. They show Jared photos of his actors participating in protests. They inform him that they are part of a subversive organization. The agents request to join the filming, undercover.Lisandro proposes hijacking the film in the name of revolution. They reach a decision: they will show up armed to film the final scene.


CHF 45'000 for production fiction

Festivals and Awards

Locarno 2022, Cineasti del presente

Mar del Plata 2022

Sevilla 2022, Best Photography

World Sales

Distribution Switzerland

available for distribution at visions sud est

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