Visions Sud Est - Supported projectsVisions Sud Est - Supported projects - in production

Mud House Director

Madoda Ncayiyana

South Africa


Have tourism and volunteering become blurred? Three foreign volunteers use singing, sweets and skateboarding to reach out to young South African orphans. As relationships develop between these well-meaning young foreigners coming of age on an African tour and the needy children they aim to help, the question emerges as to who benefits most: the backpackers, the orphans or the businessmen who make it all possible? A cynical, often humorous look at volunteering in the 21st century, where the opportunity for a fast buck and a CV tune-up maybe eclipse earnest efforts to “make a difference”.


CHF 20'000 for production documentary

Festivals and Awards

World Sales

Vuleka Productions

Distribution Switzerland

available for distribution at visions sud est

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