«Sopro» [Breath] is a creative documentary about human existence and the mysteries of life and death, seen in the everyday life of a rural community where families have lived for years, almost completely isolated from contact with the outside world. It is an observation of the daily routine in a small, remote village in Brazil’s interior, near the Ibitipoca State Park in the state of Minas Gerais. The region’s progress and growing tourism have not yet found the village, and farm families attempt to subsist and preserve the old habits and customs threatened by today’s globalized world. In this faraway place, the inhabitants survive on subsistence farming and the breeding of cows, pigs and chickens. They do some crafts and keep up centuries-old traditions of inland rural life.
CHF 10'000 for postproduction documentary
Nyon 2013: Visions du Réel, Section Etat d'Esprit
Los Angeles 2013, Hollywood Brazilian Filmfestival
Rio de Janeiro 2013, Indie International Filmfestival
Saõ Luis 2013: Lume Filmes Award
Havana 2013: Festival Intern. del Nuevo Cine Latino americano
Anavilhana Filmes
available for distribution at visions sud est