Visions Sud Est - Supported projectsVisions Sud Est - Supported projects - in production


Fabrizio Aguilar



Fabrizio Aguilar tells the story of a family in Miraflores (which is a part of the Peruvian capital Lima), composed by Daniel, his wife Claudia and their children Elijah and Sofi. Their life develops very normally until they are caught in a terrorist attack in the street Tarata. Claudia suffers a great loss and will react strangely to events that happen in front of her for a long time. The Tarata bombing was a terrorist attack in Lima in 1992 by the Shining Path terrorist group. The movie reflects the situation of that time and of people that are kind of trapped in it.


CHF 50'000 for production fiction

Festivals and Awards

Paris: Festival du cinéma péruvien

World Sales

Luna LLena Films

Distribution Switzerland

available for distribution at visions sud est

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